Dev update. August 2023

Welcome to the Zano Development Update for August 2023. This month has seen significant progress across various aspects of the Zano ecosystem. Let's dive into the highlights:

Alias Registration and Confidential Transactions

Our team has been hard at work refining the alias registration and handling mechanism to seamlessly integrate with the new confidential transaction scheme. This adaptation ensures that alias rewards are handled efficiently, and it has been meticulously tested to guarantee smooth operation.

Enhancing Zarcanum PoS

We are committed to optimizing the Zarcanum Proof-of-Stake (PoS) algorithm. In August, our rigorous testing uncovered and subsequently resolved a rare issue related to the combination of PoS and confidential assets. These improvements contribute to a more robust and stable PoS system.

Confidential Asset Operations

The introduction of new operations for Confidential Assets marks a significant milestone. We have successfully implemented the ability to emit new assets, update asset details, and publicly burn assets. These operations underwent thorough testing, and as part of this process, we refactored and improved the balance proofing mechanism for transaction assets. This enhancement ensures the security and reliability of asset-related transactions.

Overview | Zano Docs
Confidential Assets are privacy tokens with all the features of native Zano coin

Unit-Test Enhancements

We've taken steps to bolster our unit-testing capabilities by introducing a new approach for injecting unit tests into the core and wallet code. This method allows for deeper code and model validation, further ensuring the stability and accuracy of our platform.

Streamlined Reorganize Operations

A new fallback mechanism has been implemented for reorganize operations, simplifying the code for our complicated wallet state machine. This enhancement enhances the resilience and efficiency of our reorganize processes.

These developments represent our ongoing commitment to building a secure, efficient, and privacy-centric blockchain ecosystem. Stay tuned for more exciting updates as we continue to advance the Zano project.

Thank you for your continued support and dedication to privacy and decentralization.