Coinswap launch

It’s time for the coinswap
We are very excited to announce the official beginning of the Zano coinswap. Starting today, June 30th, 2019 at 12pm UTC, all Boolberry (BBR) holders will be able to swap any portion of your BBR holdings to Zano for a 1:1 exchange. The exchange will take place for 30 days and the ratio will remain the same for the duration. All Zano coins from the designated swap pool that go unswapped will be burnt. The swap is irreversible.
How to do it
Please make sure you use the most recent Boolberry wallet, versions 93 and higher support the swap. You should be able to see Zano Coinswap markup when you paste your Zano address in the Boolberry wallet.

Builds are available on GitHub, or the Boolberry website
To swap your coins you need to follow the guide available here
The guide includes instructions for both GUI and CLI wallets. If you’d like to do swap from an exchange address, please make sure it runs on the most recent version too before you make a transaction. Once again, swapped coins will no longer exist in the Boolberry network and this action is irreversible. It should take less than an hour to receive your coins in most cases, however it may take up to 24 hours.
You can track the swap progress on the coinswap website
What’s happening to swapped BBR coins
When you generate a swap transaction in Boolberry, it puts a Zano target address in a special place(attachment) in the transaction and encrypts it with derivation, that only sender and the network maintainers can decrypt it.
Once coins are sent, you’ll receive the tx id.

The swapped coins are sent to zero pub keys, which makes the Boolberry coins inert, or in a more practical way, it’s impossible to spend them (those coins are now considered burned).
You can learn more about it in the Boolberry block explorer:
In our case it’s:
You should be able to see your coins sent to the 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 pubkey address.

A service in Zano watches the Boolberry blockchain for these transactions and decrypts each attachment with a Zano address to send an equal number of Zano coins.

Stay tuned for the further updates!