Dev update: July 2024

Dev update: July 2024

This month has been filled with numerous small but significant improvements to enhance the Zano platform. Here's a summary of our key developments:

Core Enhancements and Bug Fixes

  • Serialization Bug Fix: Resolved a bug affecting the staking process due to serialization issues.
  • Transaction Size Check: Fixed the max transaction blob size check during its generation in wallet2.
  • Amount Parsing: Corrected the parsing of amounts in the wallet library and simplewallet when the decimal point isn't set to the default (12).
  • Sweep Below Bug Fixes: Addressed several bugs related to assets and size handling in the sweep_below function.

Asset Management Improvements

  • RPC Updates: In emit_asset and register_asset RPCs, destinations are now enforced to be null for convenience.
  • Explorer Visibility: Asset operations are now supported in fill_tx_rpc_payload_items() for visibility in the block explorer.
  • Decimal Point Adjustments: Set the maximum decimal point for assets to 18 and the minimum to 0, with the default remaining at 12.
  • Asset Burning: Fixed a bug that prevented assets from being burned down to zero current supply.
  • Error Handling: Improved error handling in the wallet library when creating transactions with a large number of inputs, setting the max inputs count to 256 due to current Confidential Assets (CA) math limits.
  • ETH Key Support: Implemented experimental support for using Ethereum public key/signature as an asset owner.

New Features and Developer Tools

  • Seed Doctor: Developed the Seed Doctor feature to assist users in recovering their seed phrases, particularly helpful in cases where the phrase is manually entered with errors.
  • Burn Assets API: Implemented an API for burning assets and fixed issues with the deploy asset API.
  • Asset Emission API Fixes: Addressed issues related to asset emission API and unconfirmed balance management.
  • Zano Web3 TS Library: Introduced a new TypeScript library for seamless communication with the Zano Companion and server wallet/daemon interactions. This library simplifies connecting to Zano wallets, handling transactions, and managing assets from web applications. It includes features for frontend and server-side integration, such as updating RPC URLs, managing assets, sending transfers, retrieving balances, and validating wallets. Learn more about the Zano Web3 Library.

Team and Operations

  • Core Developer Hiring: Interviewed around 15 candidates for a core developer position and hired one on a test basis.
  • Cake and Wallets: Spent extensive time addressing integration issues with Cake and wallets, alongside ongoing work on the Zano mobile wallet.

These updates reflect our continuous effort to enhance the Zano platform and provide better tools and experiences for our users and developers. We appreciate the community's ongoing support and look forward to more exciting developments in the coming months.