Roadmap Update

As many know it was some time since the road map has been updated, you may have already seen we updated it several days ago shifting some goals around and moving some more urgent items up in the time frame. Today I will go over some of the changes and additions and explain the reasoning behind it. In the last Dev update it was mentioned that the privacy upgrade was the next major upgrade on the list, around the first of the year we decided to delay this to begin development on the mobile wallet.

The biggest change was moving up completion of the mobile wallet, while the privacy upgrade was and is the #1 focus of our research team, some of the development shifted to expedite the mobile app as is became clear this was important to our users. This release is planned for the coming months along with marketplace templates which will allow users to easily build their own E-commerce store on the Zano blockchain.

Stay tuned for the next blog post where we plan to highlight all the recent development activity.